The 18th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition will be held in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, in a hybrid format, from 21 to 25 July 2025
ICMPC18 aims to bring together researchers, scholars, and music professionals from diverse cultural backgrounds to collaborate, share insights, and inspire innovative approaches to studying music perception and cognition within an ever-evolving technological and transcultural landscape.
For the first time in Brazil and in the Global South, the conference will be hosted in São Paulo, a city renowned for its multicultural vibrancy and rich musical diversity.
The event will be jointly organized with the 17th International Conference of the Brazilian Association of Cognition and Musical Arts (SIMCAM 17 | XVII Simpósio de Cognição e Artes Musicais).
Please be aware there is a fraudulent website that includes information about ICMPC conferences hosted by the World Academy of Science - DO NOT REGISTER WITH THAT SITE! Please contact us with any questions or concerns.