Abstract Submission
Abstract submission closed
Call for Papers
The International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition is an interdisciplinary conference devoted to the dissemination of new, unpublished research relating to the field of music perception and cognition. The conference is relevant for university and industry researchers working in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, music theory and composition, psychophysics, music performance, music education, music therapy and music medicine, neurophysiology, ethnomusicology, developmental psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, computer technology, and other related fields of inquiry.
Submissions are invited for:
• Spoken Papers
• Poster Presentations
• Symposia
Submission Guidlines
Authors are kindly requested to use the appropriate abstract templates below and submit their abstract by filling in the appropriate online form using the link above. ICMPC14 is using the Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) for abstract submission. All authors must first create a free user account to submit, track and manage their abstract submission.
The maximum abstract length is 2000 characters (approximately 400 words). The conference language is English and spoken papers, posters, conference proceedings, and publications will all be in English. Information about paper presentations, poster dimensions and other requirements will be communicated to authors in the acceptance letter. Notifications of acceptance are expected to be emailed to the authors by mid-March. Authors of all accepted abstracts (papers, presentations & symposia) will be invited to submit a structured abstract / short paper for publication in the conference proceedings.
Submissions for the 14th ICMPC will only be accepted using the online submission process. All received submissions will be verified automatically by a return email. If you do not receive email confirmation after submitting your abstract then it was not received and you will need to resubmit. Please note that the word limits on the abstract are absolute so documents with larger word counts will either be truncated or rejected.
Spoken papers will be divided into short and long presentations by the Scientific Advisory Board during the abstract review process. Authors are encouraged to note their preference for short or long presentation format during the abstract submission process. Short paper presentations will be allocated 15 min, including 10 min for the presentation, 3 min for questions and answers and 2 min to prepare the next presentation. Long paper presentations will be allocated 30 min, including 20 min for the presentation, 8 min for questions and answers and 2 min to prepare the next presentation. Right-click here (control-click for Mac) and select "Save file as..." to download the abstract template for a spoken paper.
Poster presentations will have designated time slots and presentation space assigned in the conference schedule. There will be 4 dedicated sessions for poster presentations at the conference that do not conflict with any other activity. Poster presenters may display their work starting in the morning of the assigned day and then be present with their poster during the assigned time. Poster sessions provide an excellent opportunity for conversation and socializing. Right-click here (control-click for Mac) and select "Save file as..." to download the abstract template for poster presentation.
Symposia will consist of a set of integrated spoken papers related to a theme. The total time allocated for a symposium will be 90 minutes, typically consisting of three to four papers and a discussion. Symposium conveners are asked to coordinate the submission of papers under one heading. A discussant should also be provided. Thus, the Symposium organizers should provide the following information: a) a 350-word general description of the organized session with its significance for the conference audience; b) authors and title and abstract of each contribution; c) name of discussant. It is not mandatory but preferable that the symposium consists of speakers (including a discussant) from at least two different countries to promote international viewpoints and discussions. If a proposed symposium is not accepted, please note during the abstract submission process whether the authors would like their individual abstracts considered for a poster presentation or spoken paper. Right-click here (control-click for Mac) and select "Save file as..." to download the abstract template for a symposium.
Recommended Abstract Formats
Abstracts submitted for all formats (spoken paper, poster presentation, spoken presentation
as a part of symposium) should include the following parts:
1. Background
2. Aims
3. Method
4. Results
5. Conclusions
The total abstract length from parts 1-5 should not exceed 2000 characters (about 400 words).
Please follow the templates below for abstract submission. To download, right-click the above links (control-click for Mac) and select "Save file as...":
• Spoken Papers
• Poster Presentations
• Symposia