ICMPC SEMPRE: Young Researcher Award

The Young Researcher Award was established in 2008 by ICMPC jointly with SEMPRE (the Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research). Since then, it is awarded to students and young (meaning “new”) researchers who submit a high quality research paper and demonstrate the potential to be leading researchers in the field of Music Perception and Cognition. The selection process involves a panel of senior researchers who evaluate full papers; the exact selection process depends on the conference. Award winners are granted a small cash prize and the opportunity to present their work at special plenary sessions. The aim of this award is to motivate students and early-career researchers to contribute influential and original work to the field.

Recipients, Panels, and Sponsors in the Past Conferences

ICMPC17 (Tokyo, Japan), sponsored by ICMPC17-APSCOM17

Selection panel: Laura Cirelli, Shin-ichiro Iwamiya, Renee Timmers
(For details on the selection process see: https://jsmpc.org/ICMPC17/submissions - scroll to "Awards") 

Victor Pando-Naude - An fMRI Study on the Groove Experience in Parkinson's Disease
David R. Quiroga-Martinez - The Neural Representation of Musical Thoughts
Denis Duman - How Listeners Want to Embody Groove-Related Music

ICMPC16 (Virtual), sponsored by ESCOM

David Hammerschmidt - Spontaneous Motor Tempo: Investigating Chronobiology and Musical Sophistication Using an Experience Sampling Method
Anna Hiemstra - Acoustic Vowel Space in the Speech-to-Song Illusion
Thomas LennieFuture Directions in Music & Emotion Science: What Skeptical Models of Emotion Can Add to Music & Emotion Science

ICMPC15 (Graz, Austria - Central Hub), sponsored by ESCOM

Selection panel: Jane Ginsborg, Richard Parncutt, Jaan Ross, Renee Timmers
(For details on the selection process see: https://music-psychology-conference2018.uni-graz.at/en/awards/)

Lindsey Reymore (Graz Hub) - Identifying the Perceptual Dimensions of Musical Instrument Timbre
Nayana Di Guiseppe Germano (Graz Hub) - Psychometric Features to Assess Absolute Pitch: Looking for Construct Validity Evidences Regarding Isolated Pitch Tasks in Undergraduate Brazilian Music Students
Yong Jeon (YJ) Cheong (Montreal Hub) - Music, space and body: the evolutionary history of vocal and instrumental music

ICMPC14 (San Francisco, USA), sponsored by SEMPRE

Selection panel: Elaine Chew, Steve Demorest, Jay Dowling, Takayuki Nakata
(For details on the selection process see page 8 of the Program: http://www.icmpc.org/icmpc14/program.html)

Pauline Larrouy-MaestriPerception of pitch accuracy in melodies: A categorical or continuous phenomenon?

Honorable Mention
Tan-Chyuan Chin - Predicting emotional well‐being: The roles of emotional sensitivity to music and emotion regulation using music

ICMPC13 (Seoul, South Korea), sponsored by SEMPRE

Selection panel: Robert Gjerdingen, Petr Janata, Youn Kim, Reinhard Kopiez, John Rink, Catherine Stevens, Barbara Tillmann, Suk Won Yi
(For details on the selection process see page VIII of the Program: http://vbn.aau.dk/files/204037394/icmpc_apscom_2014_Proceedings_.pdf)

Lauren Hadley - The effects of anomaly on music reading: Evidence from eye movements
Sook Young Won - Simulation of one's own voice in a two-parameter model

ICMPC12 (Thessaloniki, Greece), sponsored by SEMPRE

Selection panel: Reinhard Kopiez, Kate J. Stevens, Graham F. Welch
(For details on the selection process see: http://icmpc-escom2012.web.auth.gr/?q=awards)

Birgitta Burger - Emotions move us: Basic emotions in music influence people's movement to music
Chia-Jung Tsay - The impact of visual cues on the judgment and perceptions of music performance

ICMPC11 (Seattle, USA), sponsored by SEMPRE

Selection Panel: Lola L. Cuddy, Walter J Dowling, Andrea Halpern, Roger Kendall, Graham Welch
(for details on the selection process see: http://depts.washington.edu/icmpc11/submit.html#YRA)

Nadine Pecenka - The role of temporal prediction abilities in interpersonal sensorimotor synchronization

Honorable Mentions
Merle Theresa Fairhurst FMRI investigation of dynamic cooperativity: Synchronised finger tapping with an adaptive “virtual partner”
Marco Lehmann Influences of minority status and social identity on the elaboration of unfamiliar music by adolescents
James T. Mantell Modular processing? Phonetic information facilitates speech and song imitation

ICMPC10 (Sapporo, Japan), sponsored by SEMPRE and NAMM

Selection Panel: James C. Carlsen (Chair), Lola L. Cuddy, Raymond MacDonald, Sandra E. Trehub, Graham F. Welch 
(For details on the selection process see page 20 of the Program: http://www.jsmpc.info/archives/icmpc10archive/program.html)
SEMPRE: http://www.sempre.org.uk/
NAMM: http://www.namm.org/

Bruno Gingras - Effect of expressive intent, performer expertise, and listener expertise on the perception of artistic individuality in organ performance.
Bradley W. VinesStimulating music: Combining singing with brain stimulation to help stroke victims recover speech.

Honorable Mentions
Kat AgresMusical change deafness: The inability to detect change in a non-speech auditory domain
Jessie ChenError corrections in skilled string players
Molly J. Henry - Perceived “closeness” in pitch depends in part on perceived “closeness” in time: Further support for an auditory motion hypothesis
Lassi A. LiikkanenMusic in every mind. Commonality of involuntary musical imagery.
Jessica Philips-SilverDoes amusic mean unmusical?
Kirk N. OlsenDynamic changes of intensity, duration and timbre: Effects on judged loudness and emotional arousal
Inbar Rothschild - How music touches: The effects of loudness, pitch, timbre and vibrato on listeners’ auditory-tactile metaphorical mapping
